“Smart Power Monitor” is a complete integrated solution for intelligent power monitoring and analysis.
Our system constitute of the following:
- A complete server side platform, database and web interface that could run on any server outside your network, on the cloud or inside your private network.
- Configurable data measurement display and analysis.
- Configurable alerts for your operating and performance conditions.
- Total access to your data via database or downloadable ‘csv’ files for further processing.
- Server back end that interfaces to the ‘smart power meters’ and collect and store data.
- Flexible third party ‘power sensor’ integration.
Our Smart Power Monitor is the ultimate solution for your power and sensor monitoring needs. It has proven extremely efficient in monitoring power usage and saving electric costs, monitoring machine power usage in general and performing multiple estimations and analysis.
Our Solution is highly flexible and it is designed to integrate with other types of sensors ( temperature, infrared,…etc) to deliver complete solutions to the industry.
Please check out the “Smart Power Monitor Demo Site”. It is populated with random data to show what a version of our solution is capable of.
Smart Power Monitor Architecture
Here is a quick look at the architecture behind ‘Smart Power Monitor
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Dearborn, Michigan, 48126
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